Friday 26 June 2015

Tighter than a gnats arse ...

I didn't really plan it that way but my blog seems to have a co-theme of thriftiness. I hadn't even realised until a friend pointed it out to me! So I've decided to embrace it! Bring thrifty is part of me and if I'm going to keep bringing it up then I thought I would post what it means to me.

Some people think that as I try to be thrifty then I am judging how others spend their cash, not true. I don't really care what you do, I know that when I see something I really want I can get it but that means not getting at the little bits that I don't care as much about. Some people do the opposite and it's their choice. I know that if I started slipping I could go a bit mad with power and spunk loads of money but, personally I would feel so crappy about it after that it wouldn't be worth it!

Some people (weirdly) think I have lots of hidden money. Nope! I have some savings but I'm no means Mr Monopoly . Living how I do doesn't save me crazy amounts of cash but makes the day to day living more comfortable.

That I am a proper tight arse. Again (hopefully!) nope! I get my round in the pub, I buy (what I hope) are nice presents for my friends and family! I actually love spending money, I just don't like wasting money. When you have been without you realise that it's not a enjoyable way to live.

In reality being thrifty has been an offshoot of being organised. I like planning things and when you do, you have to consider budget. Rather than buying something on the fly I would prefer to have chosen what I want in advance. As a result I can compare the products/prices to find what best suits.

Some myths are true, I eat smart price food, I shop secondhand, I have learned to walk away from stuff I want (it's still hard), I shop in the reduced section at the supermarket (not to be sniffed at!), I will compare the prices in the shops and online and I wait for the sales.

Is it worth it? Yup! You do need to train yourself a bit to shop and be alert as to what you are buying and why. But in time it's just second nature to make better informed shipping choices. I hope you haven't found this condescending, I am certainly no expert (there is many a website dedicated to that!) but I am a thrifty gal and I'm not ashamed!

Excuse the photo, it's from my honeymoons, but the only one I could find with a shopping bag! 

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