Sunday 14 June 2015

10 things you do when your baby is going through sleep regression

1. Wildly Google 'sleep regression' in an attempt to find a date on how long it will last and any way of speeding it up
2. Wildly Google 'sleep training', and tell yourself that you will do it, just maybe when you have had some sleep
3. Mentally calculate all the things you could have got done if he had napped properly during the day
4. Wonder if it's his teeth, spend 30 minutes debating if Calpol should be offered, give a teething sachet instead 
5. Sit and scowl at partner peacefully sleeping in the other room
6. Decided that said partner will be doing breakfast duty, even if it is there turn for a lay in
7. Go on Amazon and look at sleep aids, refuse to buy as 'it's just a phase', put in basket just in case
8. WhatsApp any other parents you know who might be up, complaining that you are up
9. Google 'co-sleeping', Google 'co-sleeping risks', Google 'co-sleeping bad habits'. Notice baby is asleep. Silently cheer without moving a single muscle.
10. Stay awake for an extra 20 minutes once they are finally asleep in case they wake up

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