Friday 5 June 2015

Five Shit Things About Being Pregnant : My Experience

Now, in time I am sure I will let you know all about my pregnant experience but I thought I would ease you in gently! I was not good at being pregnant, I was an absolute misery to the point that a friend told me she forget what I looked like when I smiled (!)
One of the main reasons was that I just seemed to get a lot of the crappy side effects, so I thought I would share and if you are out there all chubby and miserable you can be happy in the fact you aren't suffering alone : 

1. SPD - aka hurty pelvis
This came in very slowly so I kinda figured it was normal, until I was telling a friend with two kids that I was getting annoyed at feeling like I had been "booted in the fanny" and she was quick to explain that this isn't normal! There wasn't a whole heap that could be done about it but some simple changes like how you get in and out of a car, or turn in bed, can actually help manage the immediate pain and discomfort. In good news, mine cleared instantly after having Tom, so there is an end in sight!
2. Headaches
For the first trimester of pregnancy I used to frequently get really strong headaches, bad enough that I would have to stay in bed with the curtains closed. I went to the Dr who checked my blood pressure which was fine (definitely do this if you are getting headaches), and then he just said its part of pregnancy for some and there was nothing he could do. So naturally, I put a ranty post on Facebook and a pregnant friend of mine explained that she had it too and actually all I needed to do was up my water intake! And it worked! Hurrah, bye bye pesky headaches!
3. Restless Legs
These came on around mid to end pregnancy. Once I would get tired in the evening (all the bloody time!) my legs would go! I can only liken it to them feeling hollow and that you want to run and shake them to get the feeling full of life again? Sorry, pretty crap explanation! I would wake up in the night with this as well, it was so irratating! Sorry to say I never found a solution! 
4. Carpal Tunnel
Again this was a mid to end pregnancy thing. Basically, my wrist hurt, it hurt a friggin lot especially using my phone or a computer, or weirdly, laying in bed? I think generally when it was unsupported. I used to wear a wrist support from Poundland and it really help but made my wrist smell a bit rank, but I could live with that. 
5. Sickness
I thought I would end on a high! I was sick until 16 weeks and lost a stone in this time as I could barely eat. It was awful and I was miserable and hungry! I never found much of a solution (ginger really didn't work for me) but I was able to predict my sickness most of the time, I knew my triggers and I would choose my foods based on how easily they would come up. One thing I learnt is that I am very loud when I vomit so no subtle voms at work! This did make a brief return at the end of the pregnancy (a highlight was scaring the life out of my friend with a full on exoticist rendition) and I think that was because I just didn't have room in me for food and baby! 

I hope this was helpful! Or at least gives you hope that it will end! Did you have any side effects of pregnancy? 

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