Friday 19 June 2015

An interesting question...

I was at my mums earlier today and my mum asked me an interesting question, 'Do you prefer being at home or working?'

Well, I felt like my answer should be, being at home with Tom as a mum of course! Maybe it should be that, but is it? I don't know. I know that I do love being at home with Tom, it's so rewarding, I love watching him grow, I want to teach him and learn from him, I just love him so much... BUT... But I love my time not being a mum, I love going for a wee when I want, I can eat with two hands, I don't have food smeared on me. 

So is one better than the other? Before Tom, work was ok, home was ok, there almost wasn't a relationship between the two. Now, they are ying and yang, maintained in perfect balance they complement each other and let me be an all round person. The flip side is that that when one gets out of sync then it all goes to shit. Earlier this week Tom was in the throes of sleep regression and I was hardly functioning at work, the week was a blur and I had a fuzzy brain. The knock on effect of this was that I didn't get enough done at work and felt guilty and my time with Tom has been a bit hazy and again, guilt laden.

All in all, I guess the answer is I see work and home as conditional of each other and I can only get the best out of one when it has the other to balance it. And I will never be fully happy with one or the other as I can never give 100% to either,. I can however live 45% in each camp with a 10% guilty conscience that I'm failing the other.

Bit of a random post but I found it thought provoking. 

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