Friday 8 May 2015

Sure Start : Messy Play

I had a lovely time at my local Sure Start messy play today so I thought I would share my experience in case any of you fancied it but wasn't sure what to expect.
I went with my neighbour as our children often have play dates, she is a few months older so Tom just follows her about (so cute)! The group started at 9:15 which worked well as timings go as it had time for his breakfast to go down before the play time. 
The theme of the week was pasta, the room was divided into four zones. 
Zone one was dry pasta in an empty swimming pool so the children could climb in and play using cups and spagetti at as well as tubes. Tom seemed to enjoy this, but mainly wanted to eat the pasta. Generally all the children enjoyed taking off their shoes and feeling it under their feet.
Zone two had art materials to make pasta pictures. I briefly tried this with Tom, he wanted to eat the glue, so that ended pretty quickly for us! 
Zone three had pipe cleaners and colourful pasta to make pasta bracelets. Tom played with the pipe cleaners but is still too little to fully engage with the activity.
Zone four was outside, it was a big plastic tub filled with warm water and spaghetti and plastic dinosaurs. Tom loved it! By far he spent the most time here, he really enjoyed the sloppy (cringe) pasta and the colourful dinosaurs really stood out. I might try this at home during the summer.
Whilst outside we also had a sneaky play on the jungle gym, he is still learning to use the equipment but can be helped to use the slide which is really cute.
We had a great time and I will definitely be going again. I stopped going to the baby group as my local one was quite cliquey and I had a good mummy support group outside of it, however now Tom is getting older there are different groups available to him and I'm definitely going to try to use this fabulous, free, resource more!
I feel I have said pasta too much!
Do you use any baby groups?

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