Tuesday 5 May 2015

My Pacapod Changing Bag

Style : Oban

I love my nappy bag! If you are into organisation then the pacapod is for you. It works with the idea of a place for everything and everything in its place! This works especially well when Mr B is changing/feeding/attending to Toms whims in a totally different place to where I am and will ask for the location of a specific item in my bag (grr...). 
Background : Prior to the pacapod I had a more basic bag, slightly smaller with much fewer pockets, it did the job but wasn't anything special. However, it did have magical powers as whenever Mr B would try to find anything inside it, whatever it was would disappear! Eventually I grew sick of this and having read a review on lucieandthebump, I bit the bullet and boy am I glad!
Pod 1 : Changing : 
This is the grey pod with a big pocket on the back in which the change mat sits. Inside the pod there is an elastic wrap to hold the nappies, a wee elastic pocket for bags and a side pocket for creams, in the front flap (teehee flaps) there is a pocket for spare clothes. This pod is lovely and specious and organised. I find it really handy if you are at a restaurant and are doing a quick change and you don't have to lug your bag across the place and then find somewhere to rest it in the changing area.
Pod 2 : Feeding :
The feeding pod is insulated and is very spacious. In truth there isn't much to say, it's big and you can fit a load of food in it, what more could you need! It's also easy to wipe down in case of spills!
Front pockets : 
The bag also has a front zipped area and a packet in front of that. I use this area as my handbag and it's very spacious, there is compartments for your phone and a key fob area. It doesn't look that big but I can fit an impressive amount of stuff in it!
Straps :
The straps are lovely and thick, so they are easy to lug around! They have clip straps that you can connect to straps on the pram, this is super handy. The strap can also be converted into a backpack. I haven't had to use this much but it's handy if Tom is on his trike and I want my arms free.
Value for money : £80
In truth, my bag was secondhand from eBay and I paid around £20 for it. I 100% love the bag and actually do think it is worth £80 having actually got one now, but I was apprehensive prior to owning one as I didn't know if it would live up to the hype. 
When looking on the website I always stop to perv on Pheonix. she is beautiful but at £235, alas it is never to be. The dark brown leather is stunning and it really looks luxurious! 
Dream on!


  1. Thank you for the review. I think this is definitely the bag I need to get. Love how organised you can be with it 😊

    1. I'm god you enjoyed the review! This bag has been great, especially for a young baby - where organisation is essential!
      Thanks for reading!
