Saturday 23 May 2015

Sure Start : Messy Play : Part Deux

We went back to the messy play this week so I thought I would do a follow up post so you can see the variants week to week. This is a picture of us pre bubbles and paper madness, resulting in Tom having a total outfit change and me looking like a madwoman with paper in her hair!

The activities differed this week, with a theme of bubbles! There was four activity stations which were accommodating to a variety of ages.
The station we didn't use was paint and bubbles in which you blow down a straw into paint and place a piece of paper over the top to make a print. It looked really fun but Tom is just that bit too wee for it. The other children there seemed to really like it.
The next station was outside and it was bubbles with a variety of hoop blowers. Tom really enjoyed this and spent quite a while looking at the different size bubbles and just putting his hand in the mixture, much to my dismay!
The other outdoor activity was a small baby pool with bubbly water and a variety of bath type toys. All the children were having a hoot splashing around and getting in the water. Tom was absolutely drenched so I have learned that I should bring a towel as well as spare clothes. They recommended this for next week as well as the theme is rice!
The last activity was probably toms favourite, and it was literally a baby pool filled with shredded paper, he loved it! Standing in it, having it thrown like confetti and rooting around for hidden toys. I will definitely recreate this at home and bought a baby pool from pound land after wards for this purpose. 
As well as the brilliant activities, one of the things I really like about Sure Start is the good advice on hand, I was chatting to one of the facilitators about Tom learning to walk as he will hold onto furniture and your hands but I didn't know how to help transition him, the woman was really helpful and they are generally very approachable and knowledgeable. Horray for this brilliant and free reaource!

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