Wednesday 13 May 2015

I'll never tell :

Part of my foray into blogging is me trying to be able to express myself and be who I am. So I thought I would be brave and write 5 things I had kept to myself, so here it is ...

1. I really want to run the London marathon before I'm 30. It feels like a silly thing to say as I've been overweight for all of my adult life, but I'm working on it. It would be a huge achievement and one that I often tell myself I can't do but I've got a few years so never say never! 

2. Being a counsellor will mean more to me than my chosen career. It will be me overcoming my belief that I can't achieve in life and that I am stupid. These are things I struggle with all the time. 

3. I love being a mum but always feel like I'm not trying hard enough. I'm not really sure what I could be doing differently or better? I think this is just the motherhood guilt that was dropped off by the stork with Tom.

4. I have a sociable job and lots of friends but, oh how I love my own company! Countless times I have been so tempted to cancel plans and stay in, not even to do anything exciting! Surfing pintrest gives me my kicks!

5. I spend much of my time beating myself up, thinking I'm no good. My counselling course is really helping me challenge this but some days it's still pretty hard to change the thoughts of a lifetime. I hope by putting this out there, then there is nowhere to hide from it, time will tell. 

So there it is, I never really wanted to put it out there for feeling foolish. But there is nothing foolish about being aspirational and improving your life. It's a bit of a heavy post but it's out there now!

Are there things you'll never tell?

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