Sunday 12 July 2015

Screen Time Junkie Results

So I've done my time, I set my challenge a week ago aiming to reduce my screen time and the results are in (drumroll) ... I FAILED! Miserably I might add.

I'm a screen time junkie and I like it funky 

But, through my failure I did learn, so not a total waste. In fact, not a waste at all.

Whatsapp : I have turned off my notifications and off they shall stay. I've been much less involved in long conversations and although I have felt 'not in the thick of it' I've also not felt pressure to maintain pointless conversation rather than actually talking to Mr B or my work mates face to face. I feel more balanced.

Notifications in general have been turned off : I had found myself checking my phone and I realise that often when I thought I was checking the time, I was actually looking for notifications. This seems a bit pointless. Now I check the time and if nothing is going on around me then I will unlock phone and see what's occuring. If not then check the time and the phone goes away, there is nothing compelling me to unlock. 

Social media : I struggled most with Instagram. I love Instagram and have started to make some new friends on there. It's easy to use and is visually enjoyable and instantly engaging. When I have had screen time I have gone to Instagram first and I have also enjoyed it the most. 

I have found less social media hard as I try to regularly drum up interest for the blog as well as finding inspiration for posts. I feel that I need more regular access to do that, but I've defiantly looked at the trade off in time and what I am sacrificing. 

The biggest change is defiantly when I choose to acces. I am consciously putting my phone down more when I am with Tom and Mr B. I've not totally kicked the habit but I am working on it. I think if I did the challenge every now and then, it would serve the purpose of putting my priorities straight. I am more plugged in  than I want to be but this week has started a change. I would recommend trying your own challenge, even in failure there is much to be learned.

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