Friday 3 July 2015

10 friendship changes when you are a mama

I had my bestie over today, we have known each since school and have gone through lots of life changes together. I was having a think about how we have the new dynamic of me being a mama and the things I did now as a mum that wouldn't have ever happened BT (Before Tom) ...

1. Performs dance from lets play, it was on fleek
2. Ranks hotness of CBeeBies presenters, because we all have crushes right? Right?
3. Gets overexcited at the prospect of her having children. Without a doubt Kay and her fiancé will make great parents and I'm really looking forward to sharing that period of her life with her (and finding out if she is more of a Sid or a Mr Bloom)
4. Absentmindedly picks things off child whilst chatting, but knowing she won't judge (she told me where I missed a spot!)
5. Realise you have spent most of the day talking about children in some capacity. I'm sure this is dull as hell to most people, but besties suck it up, one day I will be listening to her!
6. Do a synopsis of your parenting style, proceed to justify all parenting decisions. To be honest I don't know why I do this as I never feel judged by Kay but it's like a parental knee jerk reaction 
7. Both covertly eat biscuits to hide from Tom who can't have them (eggs, grr). She has this parent skill down!
8. Try to justify house being a pit despite then watching your child play Godzilla, again no judgement received but we are British, we must apologise! 
9. Explain how funny a specific episode of a kids TV show is (Buzz & Tell). Consider YouTubing it, remember that if you have slept well for the last few year you probably won't find it that funny
10. Watch child ram ankles with walker, politely ignore.

Basically my best friend came over to a pig sty house, with a mad sleep deprived mother talking nonsense whilst being rammed in the leg by Tom! That is true friedship!

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