Sunday 1 November 2015

My body and me

This post is inspired in particular by my eldest sister who is on an amazing weight loss journey. Her changing body started me thinking about the changes my body has been through. 

I'm a 'big girl', currently residing in a size 18, 5"3 body. I don't really mind my body, I wouldn't mind being a bit smaller but overall I'm ok. I've eaten a bit too much cake over the last few weeks so I think I need to be a bit more careful for a few weeks, but it's still darn good at being mine!
Now as a bigger lass people make assumptions, that's the bit that bothers me, people think I don't exercise but I love to walk. People think I eat all day... Well that's a bit closer to the truth! I do love to eat but I I don't just scoff all day! I think people also make assumptions on parenting, I feel conscious if I give Tom a treat then people might look at my size and assume I am feeding Tom shite all the time, in fact the fear of this means Tom is fed very consciously healthy most of the time!
I've always been ok with my body being bigger, certainly as a teen I would have preferred to fit in and be slimmer but the biggest change in my attitude  to myself was pregnancy. 
Obviously it all changes with getting your bump, but my body also betrayed me with sickness, SPD and restless legs. I was so frustrated at myself, that even though I lost a fair bit of weight it wasn't behaving! So post pregnancy I had a fresh appreciation for my body when it does work! To not be in pain or yacking up all the time is a wonderful thing. Yes I have stretch marks, and new lumps and bumps, yes I could be fitter but it's ok. This body has done me well, it made, carried and birthed Tom. What more could I want? 
I wanted to write this to remind people to appreciate their body. Big small, tall, short, your body has beauty and is like a map of your life with its scars and lumps and bumps. Yes, changes can be had but you are fabulous any way you want to be, and so ... am I! 

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