Wednesday 26 February 2020

A Year Of Chloe

How quickly has this year has passed? I found it hard to think of a way to sum it up, so I wrote a Chloe poem. As you do.

My sunshine and showers girl
My determined girl
My loud girl
My give patty bum hugs girl
My animal loving girl
My Tom admiring girl
My heart on her sleeve girl 
My cheeky girl
My smiles girl
My laughs with her whole heart girl 
My inquisitive girl
My smarty pants girl 
My won’t take no for an answer girl
My beautiful girl
My bow clad girl 
My blue eyed beauty girl
Daddy’s girl
Mummy’s girl
My moon and my stars girl 

The last year with Chloe has been an absolute whirlwind but she makes my heart happy every single day, even when I’ve not slept and she is hitting me in the face with a remote. I can’t wait to watch her grow and become more herself. She completes us. 

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