Wednesday 21 October 2015

Sleep child sleep : Controlled Crying

I'm I haven't made it much of a secret that Tom has not been sleeping well. Tom used to be a good sleeper, when it was fine to pop him on the boob and back to sleep he would go, weyhey. But then he got older and this wasn't such a good solution, namely, it stopped working (dam). So after much late night googling, because what else are you going to do when your child won't sleep, I found the different types of sleep training.

I think Tom was around 8 months when we first did sleep training, I found a lot of my information on BabyCentre ( I decided to let Tom have a bit of a cry before I would go to him and would then ask him to lie down and once he laid down, ask him to go to sleep, if he didn't then I would lead the room and return and longer intervals each time. It sounds so simple, it's not. 
I do not stick to this if Tom is waking when he is ill or teething, this means I have been through the sleep training around four times, so I am pretty confident with it. My key advice, do it when you are nearing the end of your tether (weird I know), I need that desperation to need to sleep to be able to let Tom cry and to not give a fig what the neighbours think.

The first lot of sleep training was the hardest, it took hours. I would spend my night sitting in the bathroom reading 'How To Be A Woman' by Caitlin Moran (great book!) whilst waiting for the next interval and blocking out the crying. It was really tough, but the results came in less than a week and lasted until Tom started teething again, so it was really worth it. 

I will say that each time I do it, it gets quicker and easier. It's like Tom remembers what he is needing to do and can reset himself back to it. I do not think it harms him in any way, I would not do it if it did. When I am badly sleep deprived I am not as good a parent, I get headaches, I can't concentrate and I am less present, by doing this we are both better rested and have a better quality time together.

I know this isn't for everyone and some people feel very strongly for or against any form of sleep training but my view is that some babies need help to learn how to settle themselves. Tom would get caught in a loop of needing boobie then having his back rubbed for up to an hour, this led to a very tired mum with a back up the swannie, this was not working for both of us. Instead we are on day two of sleep training and he is back to sleep in 30 minutes, much better for both of us. 

On that note I best go to sleep! I am going to have a well rested baby in the morning! 

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