Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sometimes being a mum is really really really hard...

Today has been a long day, a long day that followed a long night, the product of several long days and nights. I'm exhausted. 

Now, obviously I love Tom. I love him more than life itself, I wouldn't give up being a mama for anything. Let's not waste time labouring that point, but..,
Sometimes I wish I could pause being a mum, just when its one of those moments : 

1. Tom is going through a lovely biting phase. It hurts. It's mainly aimed at me, and I knew this is meant to be a sign of love and trust blah blah blah but sometimes I really wish he would just flipping stop. Scratch that, all the time, there is no point where I enjoy a cheeky bite.

2. Teething. Teething can just fuck right off. We have just had molars which sucked, you think I would deserve a break, maybe a few gins, but no, teething has returned and it brought its pal of waking up hourly. HOURLY. Mama needs sleep! At least the biting is keeping me awake.

3. Tantrums. Tom hasn't yet fully embraced the tantrum but I'm getting a definate colour of what is to come. He is a boy who knows his own mind. Overall I love that about him, he has a real sense of self and purpose. Problem is, sometimes that purpose is walking into a car park and when you stop him, he planks. So yay, stiff toddler screaming in a car park. Woo

5. Milk. After Tom has his bath for the night he has his eyes on the prize, he wants milk. He cares not for pajamas, eczema medication and grobags, these are clearly for mugs. So I have the pleasure of wrestling a dripping octopus whilst trying to maintain a calm, sleepy, peaceful atmosphere. I deserve a noble peace prize. 

6. And finally, throwing. Oh my boy loves to throw things. Each of the moments above frequently get a hidden bonus of something being thrown. Today I was simultaneously bitten and clubbed in the face with a fire truck. I understand that Tom wanted me to see the truck, I was happy to see the truck but I just wasn't looking hard enough apparently. Ho hum. 

Obviously many of these things are "just a phase" and maybe I will "look back and laugh" (bullshit) but right now I'm a tired, bitten and beaten mama. 
I (mostly) didn't write this to moan, I just wanted to put my bit of real parenting out there. Sometimes it's really hard. Sometimes you need a little cry or a gin, or mostly sleep. It always seems that everyone is doing amazingly and sometimes you are just surviving, but it will pass, it has too, right?
I'm off to sleep before the hourly wake ups begin. 

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