Monday 17 August 2015

10 Shit Things About Having A Giant Baby...

1. Labour : Now I'm not pretending that any labour is nice, but my perineum would have found a 6lb baby more comfortable shall we say, than a 9lb one. 
2. No one can guess the babies age : Is he a slow toddler? Is he is giant baby? Roll up roll up and take a guess. Many a weird conversation with people on the bus as to how old Tom is, this leads nicely into ...
3. Can he do... : People assume that as your baby is big then they are advanced. "Can he walk yet?" was asked from something stupid like 6 months. The answer is no, he is still a freekin baby!
4. The adorable new born stage passes in a blink. Now I think this applies to all babies but if they stay petite then that new born bit lasts just a tad more *wistful sigh* 
5. You don't get to enjoy half the baby clothes you buy as they are so quickly gown out of. You end up relying on shorts as they adapt with height, no ankle swingers there!
6. Kicking : Tom likes to use his long legs to his advantage and will kick of springboard off me! This leads to many a head but, so that's frickin great 
7. Blame : Big baby = your baby is a brute. Now this winds me up something chronic. In baby groups parents will watch Tom have the toys taken from him as he is large enough that they think he could take them back, but when Tom goes Godzilla on them as he doesn't have the coordination (as he is still little on the inside!) then I get some right looks! Grr
8. No awesome sale bargains : I see so many lovely clothes in the sale, but not for Tom, oh no, apparently every other mother of a toddler has had them!
9. In between sizes : Tom just seems to always end up sitting between sizes for ages! Currently he has outgrown half his 12-18, but some of the 18-24 is too big or long. It's so frustrating when you don't want to buy more clothes that might not fit by the time you leave the shop!
10. The scary realisation that your child will be taller than you. And I mean child. I am 5"3, Tom comes up to my hip. At some point he will be looking down on me on the walk to school! 

So there it is. I think there. Are some nice things about being the mother to a gigantic baby but I will leave that for another day!
Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comments below! 

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